Tutorials will be held on Sunday, May 29.
Tutorial 1: Voltammetric electronic tongues: sensors, materials and applications
Manel del Valle (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Tutorial 2: Chemical sensors for e-tongue applications: working principles, advantages and drawbacks
Larisa Lvova (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
Tutorial 3: Artificial intelligence techniques for the electronic tongue data processing
Luca Gerevini (University of Cassino and Southern Lazio)
Tutorial 4: Environmental odour monitoring. Sensorial techniques vs. artificial olfaction: current status and future perspectives
Laura Capelli (Politecnico di Milano)
Tutorial 5: Field calibration and beyond for Air Quality Multisensors Systems
Saverio de Vito (ENEA)
Tutorial 6: Low cost sensors and data analysis for Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
Nathalie Redon (IMT Lille Douai)